Saturday, December 7, 2019
Communication of Business Nucleus Research Company
Question: Discuss about the Communication of Businessfor Nucleus Research Company. Answer: Introduction Social networking plays multiple roles at the workplace. Many organizations are using social networking as an important tool in order to share information with one another. It provides an opportunity to learn about the current and potential employees. According to the research conducted by Nucleus Research Company that allows Facebook at workplace suffer a loss of 1.5 percent. It adversely affects the overall productivity and distracts the employees. Many social networking sites are used to promote company through their portal (Karras, 2013). As per the survey conducted by Kelly Services around forty-eight per cent of Australians have mentioned that Social Media has a negative impact on overall workplace productivity. According to the survey Fifty- nine percent respondent has acknowledged that mixing personal and professional connection through social media disrupts the workplace harmony (Turnbull Howman-Giles, 2014). In between Social Media has gained a strong foothold in Australia n workplaces. Social media has become an entitlement for the workers but there are chances of failure if both personal and professional life is intermingled. Social networking has a habit to hurt employees relationship with the company. Some of the employees send negative messages to other which hinders the ability to work together in a cohesive environment (McFarland Ployhart,2015). It is becoming very common in Australia that employers are using social media to enhance their information about the job applicant. As per the recent analysis, over a third of employers in the accounting and finance sector review applicants Facebook profile before providing them with an employment. This is causing a huge risk into an individual personal life. The employers are unknowingly intruding in their personal life (Scott,2015). Negative Impact on an Individual Individuals are benefitted greatly through social media tools. They are used to highlight information among large audience. Individuals are personally responsible for posting information on the social media. Every person should take responsibility for posting information on the social networking websites. Any wrong post written on the social networking website adversely affects the employee morale. There is a fear that the employees might circulate any secret information related to the organization. In certain situations employee circulate wrong and insignificant information about their boss. This might affect the relationship in between the employer and the employee (Dijkmans, Kerkhof Beukeboom, 2015). Their productivity is largely affected due to use of social networking at workplace. Moreover allowing employees to access social media profiles during working hours causes access distraction. Employees lose their valuable time either on playing games or talking to friends and updati ng their own profile (Crane Matten, 2016). Online privacy is one of the debated issues since internet has gained popularity. It is risky for an individual person to share his/her personal information on social media as it is circulated to large number of people. People are voluntarily sharing information on social media without giving a second thought (Brooks, 2015). Negative Impact on an Organization Employees are posting false information on the social networking website which is affecting the organization in achieving goals. People around the world have a free access to the information they have posted in their profile. This is negatively putting an impact on the growth of the organization. Overall productivity of the organization is affected due to circulation of false information on the social networking website. Posting internal information on the social networking websites adversely affects the organization. It disrupts growth not only of the individual but of an employee. Another negative impact of using social media at workplace is the possibility of opening a corporate network into malware. It is a kind of intrusive software that has a capacity to damage companys computers and network. This can also create an entry point for a hacker to retrieve secret information. The social networking disrupts the security wall and provides a way to place viruses into system. This has a negative impact not only for the organization but for the employee as well (Diercksen, et al.2013). Many Australian Organizations has restricted use of social media tools at workplace as its badly affects their productivity. Employers have certainly mentioned the restricted use of social media in the appointment letter. This proactive step is chosen in order to reduce future clash in between employer and employee. Multinational companies in Australia are facing issues due to interference of social media in the organization. The level of distraction caused by the social networking websites is very high. Overall result is affected due to employees increasing interest in the social affair. The productivity will be affected due to continuous interference into personal activities. This will disrupt not only the overall productivity but the decorum in an organization. Large sized organizations are facing problems due to use of social networking website at workplace. It is necessary for an organization to keep a check over the activities carried out by the employees in order to manage work at place (Bingham Conner, 2015). Most of the organizations across Australia are negatively affected by the use of social media tools at workplace. It has a wrong impact on the overall growth of an individual and the employee. For the long term growth of the organization every company must restrict use of social media at workplace (Epstein Buhovac, 2014) Methods to Overcome negative Impact of use of Social Media at Workplace Before giving a free charge to an individual to utilize social media tool at workplace the organization must consider various essential requirements in order to mitigate the risk caused due to its usage. It is suggested that the company must review its policies time to time and they should try to include important points regarding restriction on usage of social media at workplace. Employees represent the company to the masses and it has become important for them to take responsibility while circulating information regarding the organization. it is the role of the employer to educate the employees about the professional ethics. This will help in managing an effective relationship with the organization. The managers have a responsibility to train employees about correct usage of social media tools at workplace. It is recommended to ensure quantifiable statistics in order to ensure implementation of technology (Osman, 2012). Social media should be used effectively in order to build robust relationship inside the organization. Social media tools need to be used to combine efforts of company by formation of effective teams. It is necessary to restrict the usage of social media tools at workplace through proper implementation of policies. Large size business organizations esteem is at stake due to the effect of Social Media. Employees are abruptly using social media tools at workplace to update information which indirectly affect the companys goodwill (Yu, Duan, Cao, 2013). Use of SocialMedia by Employer Employers are using social networking websites to retrieve information related to the job applicant. The social media profile carries information related to employee who is retrieved by the employers to retrieve his previous information related to the job (Benson Morgan, 2015). Employers are using social networking website in order to check background of the applicant. They are using applicants Facebook profile to cross-check their background. It is an unethical procedure used by many Australian Companies to seek information about the employees. The Information posted by the employees on the social networking site is not necessarily true. Utilizing the same information to check background is not only unethical but illegal as per the Australian law. Any such activity carried out by HR manager brings not only him but the organization under legal liability. The employer must ensure that they are not using anti- discriminatory policies when vetting job applicants. If an employer uses any discriminatory policies that are against the provisions as mentioned in Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Fair Work Act) brings him under liability. He should not use discriminatory policies while offering the job offer to the employees on the basis of social media profile. They help i n protecting employees interest related to employment safety (STR Team,2016). Recommendations However a total ban on the social media at workplace is impractical and undesirable. Apart from use of social media there are multiple advantages derived from the use and prevalence of mobile devices at the workplace. It is necessary to implement well-drafted and well-communicated social media policies at the workplace while removing the risk associated with it. In recent times the employer are criticized by the Fair Work Commission due to unfair dismissal proceedings at workplace. A policy should put forward the expectation of the employers regarding the use of social media at workplace. They need to monitor the behavior of the employees according to the stated policies. In recent times social media has emerged as one of the valuable tool for union and action groups during bargaining with the employers. It helps in bringing significant issues under the domain of the company. It is used as employers own strategy to communicate with one another (Vaast Kaganer,2013). An increasing rate of termination of employment due to revealing significant information related to employment on social media that damaged the business reputation due to excess use of social media at workplace. Fair Work Commission has stated that employers can ask employees to comply with the social media policies that help in managing the conduct of employees outside the workplace largely (Bucher, Fieseler Suphan,2013). Using Social media sites are causing hindrance to the growth of the individual as well. Individual growth is restricted due to use of social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram which diverts individual from his work. Hence self-policing is important for reducing the time spend on these sites. Use of social networking website reduces the overall productivity and has a long term ill-effect on the productivity. It is recommended that every organization should interpret the policies regarding use of social networking websites well in advance so that it doesnt causes problem to both the employee and the employer. In order to attain long-term goals it is essential for a company to enhance the productivity of the employees by paying more attention in developing a robust environment (Treem Leonardi, 2013). However in order to grow individually or in a group social media websites plays an important role in achieving a sustainable growth in an economy. Hence uses of social networking websites cannot be ignored in the age of globalization. Negative effects can only be eliminated if an individual develops a better planning in order to attain realistic goals within the given time-frame (Leftheriotis Giannakos,2014). Conclusion Social media websites are useful for an organization in order to keep in touch with each and every individual. There is a positive impact of the social networking websites on the organization and on an individual. But excess use of social networking website at workplace hampers the growth of an individual. There are more negative impacts of using social networking websites at workplace. This affects the growth of an individual and an organization. According to the research conducted by Nucleus Research Company that allows Facebook at workplace suffer a loss of 1.5 percent. Social media has become a privilege for the workers but there are chances of failure if both personal and professional life is mixed together. Large Sized business organizations are facing huge loss due to excess usage of social media at workplace. This is affecting the overall productivity in an organization and hence causing a huge gap in the standard and actual productivity. Using social media at workplace has a negative effect on both individual and the organization. The report incorporates important facts and data related to use of social media at workplace and put forward the consequences it is posing on overall productivity. It is however recommended that limiting the use of social media websites will not only accelerate the overall productivity but it will help in achieving distinguished results. Social media is a modern age tool necessary to accelerate the multi-faceted growth. It is also important for an individual to keep in touch with the social group. However it is important to limit the use of social networking at workplace. This is not only the responsibility of an individual but the employer to keep a check over employees activities at the workplace. References Benson, V., Morgan, S. (2015).Implications of social media use in personal and professional settings. Bingham, T., Conner, M. (2015).The New Social Learning: Connect. Collaborate. Work. Association For Talent Development. Brooks, S. (2015). Does personal social media usage affect efficiency and well-being?.Computers in human behavior,46, 26-37. Bucher, E., Fieseler, C., Suphan, A. (2013). The stress potential of social media in the workplace.Information, Communication Society,16(10), 1639-1667. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Diercksen,M. et al.(2013). The effects of social media in todays workplace.(Online). Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 24 January 2017) Dijkmans, C., Kerkhof, P., Beukeboom, C. J. (2015). A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation.Tourism Management,47, 58-67. Epstein, M. J., Buhovac, A. R. (2014).Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Karras,A.(2013). Australia: Social media and the workplace.(Online). Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 24 January 2017) Leftheriotis, I., Giannakos, M. N. (2014). Using social media for work: Losing your time or improving your work?.Computers in Human Behavior,31, 134-142. 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